Thursday 23 January 2014

Most media texts target a range of different audiences, how true is this of your chosen texts?

In the little sequence we see in Lost there are examples of how the producers are trying to target their chosen audiences. To begin Lost is made by ABC which is a major film label, so we know it is aimed at a mainstream audience.  Furthermore some enigma codes are shown. We see a handful of characters walking through the forest together in a big group, like they are vulnerable on their own. As an audience this makes us question what is in this forest and what danger could possible happen. This is supported by the non-digetic sound. The the slow flowing music is full of  tension and suspense. The second enigma code we see is when Syed and Sawyer argue. These two characters clash and argue quite a lot in the starting stages, we even see them fighting earlier on. This makes us as an audience question what will happen between these two. Will they fight even more or become friends? The use of the hypodermic model through this allows the audience to passively be entertained by these devices. However the uses and gratifications theory can be applied after a audience watch Lost. After it is over they still think about what has happened in the text and actively engage with it in their mind others online.

Before we even see the bear we hear the use of digetic sounds such as bushes rustling and aggressive growling. As this is happening the camera queues to close ups of the characters faces and their expressions. This allows the audience to gain a deeper insight as to what each of the characters seen is like, letting us learn about their personality and how they act when in trouble.

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